8 Tips for Personal Safety

  1. Know who you’re dealing with. Take a photo of a client’s I.D. and license plate. A criminal won’t be comfortable with this and may be thwarted.
  2. Touch base. Always let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll return. Have them call you to check in if possible.
  3. Don’t get lost. Know the exact address of where you’re going. If you use a navigation app, pull over and stop in a safe place if you’ve made a wrong turn.
  4. Sense your surroundings. Is there questionable activity in the area of a property you’re showing? Is anyone loitering? Follow your instincts if you feel you should leave.
  5. Don’t go it alone. Have an associate or other person host open houses with you.
  6. Park for protection. At open houses, park on the street instead of in the driveway so you can get away quickly if necessary.
  7. Go on the defense. Learn some self-defense skills. Many health clubs, martial arts studios and community colleges offer basic classes.
  8. Choose flight over fight. While self-defense is a good idea, the primary goal in any threatening situation is to escape from immediate danger and call for help.

Be safe out there!

Source: NAR Realtor Safety Resource Kit.